Hello guys this is my first thread and I am writing this after trying so hard to get my guild back.
I am sorry if I am not supposed to post these stuff on this forum but this is going to be my last try in getting my guild back..
I have been playing graal for a really really long time (started around december 2009 with an iphone 3) but I decided to take a break 3 years ago because I was busy with in real life stuff. But i still logged in graal time to time to chat with friends or to check messages. One day (like 2months ago?) I decided to come back to graal and there was a notification saying "Your guild has been removed due to being inactive" and they returned 2000 gralats. Right after I saw this message, I was incredibly mad since I worked really hard in that guild. Guild had 150+ fort hours (I know this is little compared to other guilds with like 1000 hours.. but this 150 hours was the results of 3 friends and I back in the day..)
I decided to just give up in my guild and start a new one. So i was thinking of a new cool guild name. In the process of thinking a new name, I noticed there are sooo many guilds with cool name that has been inactive for 2+years. (like the leader didnt login for 700+ days) Then this is when i started to wonder... why would graal keep a guild with 0 fort hour, and remove a guild with 150+ fort hours?..
So heres my actual question.. How does graal decide which guilds to remove and which guilds to keep? I dont think theres specific days of inactivity since I had 4guilds and 3 were removed but my last one is not removed when that one was WAYY more inactive than my guild with 150 hours..
Are there ANY ways to get my guild back or did i just lose it forever?
And If i did lose my guild forever, I want to know why Graal only returns 2000 gralats? I used 4000 in total with the guild (creating guild + buying allies)
This is the list of the guilds i had
I U - 150+ fort hours (this guild is my main guild) REMOVED
IU - 0 fort hours (i noticed this name is now taken...) REMOVED
bGt - had like 10+ fort hours? (honestly cant remember but i dont care about this guild) REMOVED
UpGrade - had like 24 hours ( also dont care about this guild.) REMOVED
Last Fantasy - like 10min, this guild was the most inactive guild and it is NOT REMOVED
Thanks for reading this wrong thread and excuse my grammar since I wrote this on my phone rofl and didnt proof read.