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Xenethes 11-08-2022 05:03 PM

Classic Uploading Rules & Guidelines
There may be reasons for your denial which are not listed here. Solutions are provided if possible, however some uploads are not fixable.

Classic Image Uploading website
Dusty's Graphics Tester
Classic In-Game Rules
Classic's FAQs and Guides

There is a visible background
  1. The body you are uploading was not indexed properly.
  2. The body you are uploading is not indexed and shouldn’t have a background.
  3. You’ve set transparency for a body that is not indexed, or you haven’t set transparency for a body that is indexed.
  4. The head you are uploading has a visible background.
  5. There is a visible background on some animation frames of a head because you forgot to delete them.
  6. Your body has a “glow” effect.
  7. If you accidentally upload a converted JPEG, it may have a background.
  8. The head you’re uploading is animated and was not exported correctly from your program/the site you downloaded it from and has become corrupted. Try re-exporting/downloading a new version of it.
Above shows a body which is not indexed correctly, or the player has set transparency incorrectly. This file may be denied for having a visible background, or for having transparent pixels.

Transparency problems: Make sure not to use pure black (#000000) or pure white (#FFFFFF)
  1. There is pure black or white somewhere on your upload (usually an outline or the eyes.)
  2. There are other transparency issues where there is an invisible gap between something.
  3. The head you’re uploading is animated and was not exported correctly from your program/the site you downloaded it from and has become corrupted. Try re-exporting/downloading a new version of it.

Inappropriate content
  1. Lingerie, implied or “softcore” nudity (genitals and/or nipples are covered but the outfit is still provocative) and of course full-nudity.
  2. “Ahegao” or highly sexualized facial expressions.
  3. Nipples (on ALL customs regardless of gender/implied gender.)
  4. Nazi imagery or symbolism, and other racist or antisemitic imagery.
  5. Gun imagery.
  6. Brand names or logos associated with inappropriate brands or companies (EX: a body wearing a Hooters uniform.)
  7. Words or phrases which are inappropriate.
  8. Excessive blood and gore.
  9. Extreme political or controversial content.
  10. Uploads created with the clear intention of harassing another person.
  11. Bodies which can be manipulated into showing anything inappropriate (as listed above)
  12. Anything which is otherwise distasteful.

Bodies must have 2 working arms and legs
  1. All bodies must have visible and moving arms and legs on walking, pushing, pulling, and sword-attack frames. Hair extensions, capes, and other minor accessories can obstruct the visibility, movement, or function of arms and legs.
  2. The body you’ve uploaded has more than 2 arms, and/or more than 2 legs.
  3. The body you’ve uploaded has no arms or no legs.
  4. The body you’ve uploaded is one solid colour and the arms/legs are implied but are not visible most of the time.

No shields acting as bodies
  1. You’ve uploaded a shield which covers the body completely or mostly.

No shields acting as in-game items or tiles
  1. Your shield is meant to act as a banner/flag, mount, hat, or another in-game item.
  2. You’ve uploaded a shield which acts as a body part or clothing, such as slippers, hair extensions, or a tail.
  3. You’ve uploaded a shield that looks like a floor or tileset.
  4. You are uploading an in-game file directly.
Above shows a GraalOnline Classic NPC’s head. Edits of generic NPC heads, such as an edit of a Zorbi head to create an original character, is allowed.

No Images that act as hats or accessories
  1. You’ve uploaded a head with a hat, mask or accessory. NOTE: Small hats and accessories are allowed if they're not sourced from in-game files; head accessories must be small, connected, and cohesive with the rest of the head. It may even "complete the look." It doesn't look out of place or mismatched to the head.
  2. Your head is wearing sunglasses (only prescription (clear) glasses are allowed.)
  3. A body you’ve uploaded has wings, a scarf, a backpack, cape, shoulder pads, long tail, or sword sheath.
  4. Your body is holding a soda bottle, cup of coffee, stuffed animal, etc.
  5. There’s a hair-bow that looks more like a hat than it does like it’s part of the hair.
  6. You’ve uploaded a shield that acts as a flag or banner.
  7. A shield you’ve uploaded is meant to act as a hat or accessory.
Above shows a body with a tail that would count as an accessory due to it’s size. Small tails on nonhuman bodies are allowed.

Incorrect size/dimensions
  1. You’ve uploaded a body which does not fit the default head. EX: bodies which are too short, too thin, or both.
  2. A head you’ve uploaded is too small and doesn’t fit the default body correctly.
  3. You’ve uploaded a head which doesn’t fit onto the default body correctly, or there are large gaps between the default body and the head. Check the back-facing frames, where there may be a gap between the hair and the body.
  4. You’ve accidentally uploaded the thumbnail of a head or body. This means you’ve accidentally saved a smaller, “preview” instead of the real file. If you right click over the head/body you want to upload on the site you’re getting it from, discord, etc, then click “open image in new tab,” right click again, “save image as”
Above is a head which is too small, and gaps can be seen. All heads must fit the default body, and all bodies must fit the default head.

File exceeds 128kb
  1. A head/body you’ve uploaded exceeds our file size limit. Try removing/replacing some colours or, if it’s animated, removing some animation frames.
  2. You’ve accidentally uploaded a converted JPEG.

Too many frames
  1. You’ve uploaded an animation that is (or is around) 25 seconds. Please try making the FPS faster (a higher number) or removing frames from the animation (or both) to reduce the time your animation takes to play.

No rapidly flashing animations or colours
  1. The head you’re uploading has a flashing animation/quick flash of colour.
  2. The head you’re uploading has changing colours. NOTE: this does not mean that the animation is rapidly flashing. We also do not allow heads which change colours or designs.
  3. You’ve uploaded a head that has eyes which change colour, but there is no transition between the changing colours.
  4. The head you’re uploading is animated and was not exported correctly from your program/the site you downloaded it from and has become corrupted. Try re-exporting it.

Frames are in the wrong position or do not match
  1. There are pixels which have flooded out of their own frame and into a frame where they are not supposed to be, creating an out of place line or pixels. Compare the head/body to it’s appropriate template and erase any pixels which have overlapped into frames where they’re not supposed to be.
  2. A head or body is animated to turn the direction they’re looking in without the player having to move
  3. The upload has frames which do not match eachother in colour, style, or design. All frames must be consistent and match eachother. EX: the front-facing idle frame on a head has pink hair and blue eyes, but all other frames of the head have black hair and green eyes.
  4. A head or body is facing incorrect directions (only ¾ static frames are acceptable.)
  5. The frames on the upload are flipped around or backwards, otherwise facing the wrong direction.
  6. You’ve uploaded a head which doesn’t fit onto the default body correctly, or there are large gaps between the default body and the head.
  7. Nonhuman and object head uploads must have two appropriately placed eyes on most frames.
Above shows a body with mis-matched frames.
Above shows a body with stray pixels on the left-facing walk; this means some frames are in the wrong position.

Missing sprites/frames
  1. There are frames or sprites which are invisible or blank. NOTE: Certain frames on swords are allowed to be excluded.
  2. Nonhuman and object head uploads must have two appropriately placed eyes on most frames.

Copyright infringement, do not resubmit
  1. You’ve uploaded something which is a direct rip from another pixel art game.
  2. You’ve uploaded something which has a design or logo that is owned by somebody else; EX: Brand such as Nikeor Gucci, or TV shows such as Naruto or Batman.
  3. You’ve uploaded something which resembles a copyrighted character too closely to source material; EX: Spongebob, Sonic the hedgehog, Naruto. NOTE: Characters which are based off of copyrighted characters but look like a “Graal version/Graalified” or look like they were only “inspired by” the source material and are not supposed to be copies are allowed.
  4. You’ve uploaded a staff member’s custom(s.)

Submitted multiple times
  1. You’ve submitted something multiple times and are now spamming the uploader. Please try to upload the correct version of an item the first time, and use Dusty’s Upload Tester to test how uploads will look in-game.
  2. You’ve uploaded something multiple times and it has been denied every time because you are not fixing the issue it is being denied for. Please do not resubmit the upload, it will continue to be denied.


Q: My friend has this head, but when I uploaded it, it got denied. Why?
A: It’s possible that the uploading rules have changed since your friend uploaded the head. Regardless, please report your friend for the head they’re wearing and we will investigate.

Q: I don’t understand how my upload is considered “game-breaking” or why that’s bad?
A: “game-breaking” is an umbrella term which means many things, mostly that your upload breaks critical functions of the game. A body with 4 legs may not be able to use a sword, for example. Anything which hinders the use of hats, accessories, swords, pushing, pulling, walking, or obstructs which direction you’re looking in, etc, is considered game-breaking and cannot be uploaded.

Q: Why can’t I upload edits of default heads if they break the rules and are already in-game?
A: Default heads are not uploads and do not have to adhere to the upload rules.

Q: When is the (next) upload sale?
A: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Q: What does “Graalified” mean in reference to copyright designs?
A: It means the art style of the uploads match the art style of Graal, not the original source.
Above is an example of a “Graalified” custom: the artist did not attempt to recreate Miku Hatsune’s original anime art style, and instead used an art style common on Graal. This custom resembles Miku Hatsune, but does not attempt to recreate her original design.

Q: My upload was denied but I don’t think it fits any of the reasons listed here. What should I do?
A: Please reach out to an available staff member for help! This document will be updated to reflect any missing or changed rules; Talking with us about your upload can help us make clearer and more refined rules for the future.

Q: My custom is featured on this document in an image and I don’t like it. Can you take it off?
A: Yes! Please contact a staff member about this and we will remove or replace it.

Q: My upload was denied for being a “Corrupt file.” What does this mean, how do I fix this? !!Flashing GIF warning below!!

Above is a corrupt file: it is an animated (GIF) head which flashes random colours, visible/invisible gaps, and a visible background.
A: Corruption is random and difficult to fix, but you may be able to fix it by downloading a new version of the file you’re trying to upload.

4-Lom 11-09-2022 07:38 AM

Much appreciated!

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