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Search : Posts Made By : Vendetta
Forum: General Graal Discussion 12-05-2020
Replies: 272
Views: 226,937
Posted By Vendetta
That's a shame. I remember Stefan saying he was...

That's a shame. I remember Stefan saying he was working on making it accessible from the client years back, but I guess there's no hope for that anymore.
Forum: General Graal Discussion 12-04-2020
Replies: 272
Views: 226,937
Posted By Vendetta
Is there even a good reason why iServers aren't...

Is there even a good reason why iServers aren't available on the client?
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 11-24-2020
Replies: 39
Views: 20,073
Posted By Vendetta
It takes very little empathy or maturity to see...

It takes very little empathy or maturity to see how using 'gay' as a pejorative, even indirectly, could bother someone.
Forum: General Graal Discussion 08-26-2019
Replies: 4
Views: 4,051
Posted By Vendetta
Your movement speed is tied to your frame rate,...

Your movement speed is tied to your frame rate, however Graal can only run at 20fps which most devices will always reaching.

Having a "better PC" is an awful excuse unless your opponent is running...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 08-26-2019
Replies: 2
Views: 2,786
Posted By Vendetta
left - 50k facebook likes (2013) middle -...

left - 50k facebook likes (2013)

middle - classic's birthday (2013)

right - 200k facebook likes (2014)
Forum: GraalOnline Zone 06-20-2019
Replies: 13
Views: 24,747
Posted By Vendetta
Fair enough if it is a rule, I can understand it....

Fair enough if it is a rule, I can understand it. Though it does seem ridiculous that staff are apparently exempt from it.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 04-29-2019
Replies: 8
Views: 4,078
Posted By Vendetta
Yep, it's true.

Yep, it's true.
Forum: GraalOnline Ol' West 04-14-2019
Replies: 7
Views: 6,808
Posted By Vendetta
PlayerWorlds are the servers accessible through...

PlayerWorlds are the servers accessible through the Graal client, you're talking about the iOS servers.

I believe Stefan was the one who put the games on and he parted ways with...
Forum: Technology 01-12-2019
Replies: 9
Views: 15,631
Posted By Vendetta
I'm not going to reply to everything because I've...

I'm not going to reply to everything because I've already addressed most of it and I don't feel like repeating it all.

Okay, so none of the bugs you listed is related to the game engine. As...
Forum: Technology 01-11-2019
Replies: 9
Views: 15,631
Posted By Vendetta
Yes, I have been taught both engines at degree...

Yes, I have been taught both engines at degree level. You keep talking about these engine bugs, but could you give me some specific examples of the some of the bugs in these games, just so I can get...
Forum: Technology 01-11-2019
Replies: 9
Views: 15,631
Posted By Vendetta
Ah this nonsense again, please stop pretending...

Ah this nonsense again, please stop pretending you know what you're talking about. Neither engine is better than the other, they both excel in different areas. Unity is probably the better engine for...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 11-29-2018
Replies: 90
Views: 39,272
Posted By Vendetta
Nah, they're ugly ...

Nah, they're ugly
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 11-28-2018
Replies: 90
Views: 39,272
Posted By Vendetta As in this...
As in this tileset? Fairly sure it was a mashup of pics1 with a few things from New World. It was very cluttered and not pretty. The new tileset is minimal, cleaner,...
Forum: General Graal Discussion 11-09-2018
Replies: 33
Views: 20,430
Posted By Vendetta
A large amount of the playerbase is using the web...

A large amount of the playerbase is using the web client so it's very unlikely they'd stop supporting it. Unity WebGL is the most likely solution.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 11-02-2018
Replies: 24
Views: 43,101
Posted By Vendetta
Yes, but they had to be ambitious targets. This...

Yes, but they had to be ambitious targets. This allowed countries to set realistic and achievable goals. It was by no means perfect, but was was a stepping-stone by getting countries moving in the...
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 10-31-2018
Replies: 24
Views: 43,101
Posted By Vendetta
The United States can't stop it by themselves, no...

The United States can't stop it by themselves, no one believes that. That is why it requires all countries to come together and agree to lower CO2 emissions... Which is more or less what we had with...
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 10-12-2018
Replies: 24
Views: 43,101
Posted By Vendetta
Yeah I do get that, but more than 20% of people...

Yeah I do get that, but more than 20% of people voted that they thought it was a hoax. That's a crazy amount of delusional people, no?
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 10-12-2018
Replies: 24
Views: 43,101
Posted By Vendetta
Wow, I didn't realise that many people believe...

Wow, I didn't realise that many people believe climate change is a hoax. Could someone who voted that way explain why? I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion after looking at the...
Forum: General Graal Discussion 09-06-2018
Replies: 36
Views: 27,595
Posted By Vendetta ...

Can currently only access Zone and Ol' West, appears to be using the Unity client.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 08-12-2018
Replies: 222
Views: 67,168
Posted By Vendetta
I would love this. The current leader of my old...

I would love this. The current leader of my old guild hasn't been active in 5 years so it would be great to be able to reclaim leadership of it.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 05-23-2018
Replies: 86
Views: 35,950
Posted By Vendetta
Would you say America is any less f*cked?

Would you say America is any less f*cked?
Forum: Video Games 04-15-2018
Replies: 30
Views: 17,229
Posted By Vendetta
Trial restrictions were removed so that's no...

Trial restrictions were removed so that's no longer true. Other than having a trial bar at the top of the screen there's no difference between free and paid accounts.
Forum: Video Games 03-22-2018
Replies: 7
Views: 4,242
Posted By Vendetta
Had a lot of fun playing during the beta but...

Had a lot of fun playing during the beta but don't really see myself picking it up unless it drops down in price or the pace of development picks up. The content that was there was great, there just...
Forum: Technology 10-09-2017
Replies: 3
Views: 11,821
Posted By Vendetta
That's weird. There's some launch commands...

That's weird.

There's some launch commands that might help. Read this on how to setup launch options. (
Forum: Technology 10-09-2017
Replies: 3
Views: 11,821
Posted By Vendetta
GeForce is ****, I'd use OBS if I were you.

GeForce is ****, I'd use OBS if I were you.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500


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