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Search : Posts Made By : Lockdown
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 09-07-2017
Replies: 37
Views: 10,062
Posted By Lockdown
wew lad...haven't been on here in over a year....

wew lad...haven't been on here in over a year. how's everybody doin
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-23-2016
Replies: 25
Views: 4,899
Posted By Lockdown
It's indeed working for me again.

It's indeed working for me again.
Forum: General Graal Discussion 06-23-2016
Replies: 1
Views: 1,443
Posted By Lockdown
iOS 10 Crashes

Not sure where to post about this. But, iOS 10 and Graal, any of their games really, is not compatible at all. When will there be an update so that the apps can be optimized for the new software? I...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-14-2016
Replies: 65
Views: 15,308
Posted By Lockdown
NewYorkerNick liked my house, doesn't his like...

NewYorkerNick liked my house, doesn't his like equal 10k likes? :P (Kidding, obviously.)
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-09-2016
Replies: 13
Views: 3,132
Posted By Lockdown
I really like the squid hats.

I really like the squid hats.
Forum: Classic Future Improvements 06-07-2016
Replies: 5
Views: 1,053
Posted By Lockdown
Yeah, sorry for the confusion, I just want to...

Yeah, sorry for the confusion, I just want to have their mount 'displayed' in my house, if that makes more sense.
Forum: Classic Future Improvements 06-06-2016
Replies: 5
Views: 1,053
Posted By Lockdown
Stable Hitch Furniture Item

Is there any way that this could have a similar effect, like the hat displays? My one friend has a mount that I would really like to have in my guild house. I hope this could be a new update in the...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-05-2016
Replies: 44
Views: 11,782
Posted By Lockdown
Wait but why would seasons effect Spars, BKs, or...

Wait but why would seasons effect Spars, BKs, or PKs?
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-05-2016
Replies: 44
Views: 11,782
Posted By Lockdown
Maybe a guess and check type of method would be...

Maybe a guess and check type of method would be best until they can find an obvious 'equation' that works best with the other leaderboards.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-03-2016
Replies: 45
Views: 9,748
Posted By Lockdown
Yup it's still there, thanks!

Yup it's still there, thanks!
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-03-2016
Replies: 45
Views: 9,748
Posted By Lockdown
Can anyone recall if this was in the Red Barn...

Can anyone recall if this was in the Red Barn previous to the recent update? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Forum: Classic Future Improvements 06-03-2016
Replies: 1,230
Views: 667,318
Posted By Lockdown
Why does this sometimes happen when I hit the...

Why does this sometimes happen when I hit the crabs on PC? It's so weird...but also kind of funny!
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 44
Views: 10,476
Posted By Lockdown
No, it's simply called 'Dragon Mount', I believe.

No, it's simply called 'Dragon Mount', I believe.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 155
Views: 26,191
Posted By Lockdown
Maybe even have NPCs that would buy broken swords...

Maybe even have NPCs that would buy broken swords / shields, etc, or maybe even give them to the Blacksmith, that we helped get a 'house' in Onnet Town. After he upgrades our lantern, he says he has...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 156
Views: 36,399
Posted By Lockdown
I don't know, this morning, the top PKer only had...

I don't know, this morning, the top PKer only had around 1k kills, now he's almost at 5k..
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 45
Views: 9,748
Posted By Lockdown
True. I just wanted that giant statue that was in...

True. I just wanted that giant statue that was in the flowers / special crystal room.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 156
Views: 36,399
Posted By Lockdown
I know that Thallen, I pretty much thought that...

I know that Thallen, I pretty much thought that it would solve the issues with leaderboards that people have been having with it. It seems like a good solution to me, people that want to boost can...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 156
Views: 36,399
Posted By Lockdown
Or maybe still allow players to gain the kills,...

Or maybe still allow players to gain the kills, but changing the system to a point system, so that mob PKing does not give you many points on the leaderboard. Not sure how this could be scripted or...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 155
Views: 26,191
Posted By Lockdown
Oh, I thought maybe there could be some story...

Oh, I thought maybe there could be some story behind them, like the new 'owners' of castle use this type of symbol to represent their integrity and fierceness against the baddies and other monsters...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 155
Views: 26,191
Posted By Lockdown
What's the meaning behind the flags with the...

What's the meaning behind the flags with the 'states' on them? (I believe that's what they're called.)
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 155
Views: 26,191
Posted By Lockdown
That is some truly beautiful work, Dusty. ...

That is some truly beautiful work, Dusty.

Oh, great! I couldn't seem to find it earlier for some reason.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 156
Views: 36,399
Posted By Lockdown
I think it's gone out of hand, honestly. I can't...

I think it's gone out of hand, honestly. I can't tell you how many days a PK mob has been going on in Swamp. I think this is the 4th day in a row now...24/'s kind of ridiculous in my eyes, but...
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 156
Views: 36,399
Posted By Lockdown
They've done it before, at least 3 years ago they...

They've done it before, at least 3 years ago they used to warp people. I think it's wrong, it's 'boosting' a way.
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 06-01-2016
Replies: 155
Views: 26,191
Posted By Lockdown
Ah, so the Hat Shop is gone for good I'm guessing...

Ah, so the Hat Shop is gone for good I'm guessing as well? Oh well, that's where I got my helmet, so of course I loved the tower itself!
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 05-31-2016
Replies: 20
Views: 5,046
Posted By Lockdown
newagelegacyhelm.png I can't seem to get the...


I can't seem to get the template thing to work though.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 249


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