Hello, I was playing Fallout New Vegas this weekend again and met Vulpes Inculta, I was also on iEra at that time, I liked the name and decided to start a family-based guild called Inculta, because yolo, why not?
Anyway, we are currently recruiting loyal, active members and are also looking for allies, I don't really need you to set the tag 24/7.
Tiberius is the de facto leader who handles the recruiting (partially), gang news, gang events, promotion and all that, however we are still in need of someone who may be the second leader.
The main rules are:
Act maturely, don't start any drama or fighting.
If you have a complaint about a fellow member, please contact either a leader or me with said complaint and we will look into it.
Do not spam other gang members.
You may want to add Inculta behind your name, so other members identify you, if you go off-tag.
Have fun.
Don't bully other members, you will be kicked for that.
For recruiting, please contact me on my staff account for starters, if I don't reply, try pming my iOS or contact Tiberius.