I had noticed recently that other things have VIP or VIP like things, but at different levels with different benefits. So why not reduce the current VIP price/fee and add a second level vip with a few more perks at a slightly higher monthly cost?
I call it the VIP gold membership which would include the normal VIP stuff that you get plus the following up grades:
1.A.Sneak peaks and Pre access to forth coming items before there release. Just pm the Gold level vip members the day before an item is set to be released. Then set up an area where they can have the first look at it and a chance to buy the items before anybody else. Or if its In a place only open certain weekends(Nexus/Revolution) then let them go in the day before it opens and check it out.
B.additional sneak peak perks: you get to be in the pic advertising the new items when they are released. When a new event is ready for testing the vip gold members are the group that gets to test it.
2.exclusive item for signing up.
3.1 voucher gets added to your items good for 1/2 off the price of any item useable 1 time a month.
I'm sure there could be a few other things ppl could come up with to be added to sweeten the deal, and the prices are changeable. I woud set the prices at 7k for normal vip and 10k for gold level but idk if just those few things would be worth it to the general population to pay the extra gralats to upgrade.
other exclusives i came up with:
a)1 monthly gold member vip only event.
b)The ability to purchase the reward for completing a holiday quest (exp-you could pay 10k to receive the egg to get the chicken mount rather than spending the time collecting eggs for the Easter holiday quest).
c)A gold member exclusive room in the shop on Oasis island with double exclusive items.
d)a monthly drawing and the winner receives free vip subscription for the month
e)don't have to pay for bomb/arrow packs from the shops
f)1 free head and body upload