Yesterday my class went to Mauthausen.
Now you may wonder what that place may be!
It's a concentration camp.
Since I'm extremely interested in the first but also more the second worldwar, I decided to take a bunch of pictures to share them here! So if youre bored and have nothing better to do,
look here pal!
I took about
97 pics with my classmates phone since mine died on the 2 hour busdrive there, she sent them all tonight,
WON'T be posting all of them, need 2 stay on topic!
I also decided to post all that stuff because some people might get interested in this topic, not many people live near a concentration so I thought it'd be interesting to share.
Picture of the camp today:
Picture of the camp in March 1945:
You can clearly see that nowadays there are way less barracks.
If you inspect the old map you can also see a soccer field.
Now the answer to that is very simple;
the SS had their own soccer team.
Heres a picture of their soccer team:
Also have a picture of the soccer field nowadays, the weird hills on the left are where normal austrian citizens sat and watched them play:
The SS soccer team has
never lost a match. The reasons why is because most of the locals sure didn't wanted to lose to that
"elite group" and the male players that were still left where mostly injured from the war.
Next up we have this horrible rocky way that made
my feet hurt for the entire day, the path starts off normal but later on the stones get sharp:
Now you may wonder where that path led to, oh why you ask, to those
uneven and really long stairs (did not take this picture because I couldnt get a free view) :
Inmates had to carry over 50kg stoneblocks up those really small stairs every single day under
every weather, illness and extreme hunger. On top of all
that, every single day SS people shot them and caused them to fall down the cliffs or stairs, often taking many with them down.
Now we went down those stairs even though it was still winter season and weren't allowed to, was very slippery.
On a side-note:
I ****ing slipped.
View from the top of the stairs today:
Lets get 2 the worst part of that entire place, starting off with
the barracks:
These buildings were seperated into 2 sleeping halls and 2 washrooms.
One hall held 1000 people, I was in there and I can promise you those halls were extremely tiny and smelly.
The washroom:
(yes thats all those washrooms had, unbelievable)
Can you guess what this would be?
I have a needle phobia:
Another really stunning but sad thing, they tried to write every single name of those inmates down.
(When inmates arrived they got a number as a name)
What could this be?
This book has over 2200 pages, filled with the names of the inmates.
There were three in this room, each one different:
The rest of this thread is simply signs I found:
I hope you were able to pull trough all of this, if you didn't.. well thats alright too, dont worry bout it buddy!
I also wanted to recommend you a incredibly interesting movie about this topic, that came out in 2014. They've started the movie back when they were freeing the inmates in the concentration camps so theres recordings of when theyve first arrived but then politics involved into all of that and they stopped the production.
I've only found the german dub version on youtube so far but whatever.
The name of the movie is "Night Will Fall" A movie by Hitchcock. Hope that at least some will watch it.
Side-note: Auschwitz is about triple the size of Mauthausen.