Hi, To get people ready for GST I've come up with a cool story about current and past GST guilds, enjoy. I was bored so I wrote this up, will probably suck really bad, but please read it.
Alumni are made up of 2 branches it's Americas Branch(Mixed Team) and another branch representing the rest of the world(iDev Team). They were originally hired by UN president Unixmad to keep peace and order in the world, they were used as a security organisation to prevent anyone from harming our way of life, but they realized they were too powerful to be working for the government, or to be serving the world, so in Summer of 2014 they decided to quit working for the government, and instead went rogue and went against the UN and the rest of the world, and had it's 2 respective branches take control of their certain regions. Since then the UN have hired and brought in certain groups of heavily trained government funded groups to stop them, like the US led multinational group Apostles, US led formerly private organisation GTEAM and even the experienced Tech group Blackout.
Their control over Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania has been tumbling and rising recently because of the expirenced groups being brought in to take them down (vDragz/CRZ, VIS and Rebelious), but they are slowly gaining control, and as for their Americas branch, their control over the Americas is only getting stronger every 3 months. And with GTEAM's whereabouts being unknown and Blackouts morale and roster decreasing, the UN has unveiled one last plan to stop Alumni, Operation Killumni codenamed Rectify, built on the ruins of Apostles/WAR and now dead Silver Lion(sorry idk if you guys are still gonna do GST). Rectify is a US led Multi-National unit using the most talented tacticians from Apostles and Silver Lion, some of the only few remaining people left that can stop Alumni, and to help reach their goal, they have recruited retired US Veteran Zeross Mercy.
There goal is simple, and they will do everything they have to do to achieve it, even if it means they have to eliminate some of their allies on the way.
But they need to watch out, someone is observing them from a long distance and they are getting closer each day...
Who are they? What do they want? Are they friend or foe? Do they have a common goal?
If you got this far, thank you, I appreciate you taking 2-4 minutes of your life to read this.