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Kutsuu Divine
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Void
Posts: 62
Make cool tower rewards people would actually wanna wear, mounts,hats,accessories. There's so many chances classic can take and route on getting their players back. There was a time classic had 6k-7k players almost daily fun af. Pking was such a great concept at that moment of time. You could gain 3k-4k pks a day because of all the guilds trying to get hours and get known. Now towering is just saving up hours for the new guild system. Which is bad on Classic because now all those guilds that kept towering they gonna have to reward a bunch of them at once when the new guild system comes out so it's gonna be a mess. |
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 783
Not some sort of system, but a system that both supports variable levels of competition and is also compatible with the controlled in-game economy.
How guilds are rewarded and how the reward is distributed within a guild is another question. One idea for this I've had is that cumulative guild rewards can be put up toward, among other items, a public overworld-or-underworld customizable (@Portha: $$$) semi-restricted-access guild territory with one guildhouse room assigned per guild member and the rest a common area. The guild territory could then be contested by other guilds that have earned enough in rewards to put up a challenge of any guild with an exclusive territory. I.e. the exclusive guild territory is also a fort. If the contesting guild wins, they are allowed to toss any and all the other guild's furniture aesthetic and replace it with their own (@Portha: $$$), or they could just decide they really like it otherwise and just rearrange the furniture. Along with that you could re-purpose historic guild sanctuaries to the overworld or underworld, like MoD, US, Ventrue, Brotherhood, LOA and maybe even JesusFreaks, and make access to certain restricted areas in those territories a prize that comes by winning enough rounds with any particular guild there. A layered experience I guess I would say. But first and foremost is competition at the guild towers. Then the reward system. And then a tie-in between the rewards system and tiered competition I think would be a big plus. That's a big vision though, and competition at the baseline of guild fort experience is really the most important aspect. Edit: Oh, what would be cool in addition to that is to, in a library in the guild house, keep a historical catalog of guild info for any guild that ever challenged and guilds that were in possession of the guild territory. Also, the guild territory should have the advantage of being able to order (@Portha $$$) any piece of furniture ever used in their guild house in any room via the Babord Home & Living Personal Storage Facilities, even if it's not available to the general public anymore (@Portha $$$). Oh Edit PS: Make a post office where players at large can receive mail. Heck, offer post office boxes for a fee and require every Graalian have a mailing address or get taxed extra. Create a mail order catalog called the Babord Home & Living Mail Order Catalog. This catalog may be released semi-annually or by another period. You can make part of the Babord economy involve players delivering anything ordered from the Babord Home & Living Mail Order Catalog, carrying things to a delivery vehicle (or boat, or train, or pigeon, or final destination, etc) for customers at the Babord Home & Living Factory Outlet. Heck, you could even get the Babord jobs to give pay raises based on how efficient and productive each employee is. Edit 2: And among the delivery tasks: deliver new benches or refurnish the dance floor at Azrael's. Monthly spar champ at Supernick's gets a say in the floor and furniture there.
Last edited by deadowl; 07-05-2018 at 03:11 AM.
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Registered Old Person
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Graal City Restaurant
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Well I like the idea of useful guild locations. The towers definitely feel dead/lifeless, like there's no use in taking them over except getting little rewards (hats). I think this would require more of a union of guilds in order to accomplish effectively, though, just based on the number of players of the game. Having a few thousand players online at a time (the majority of which have nothing to do with competitive behaviors) would make it a little unreasonable for people outside a single guild of 25 or 50 members having exclusive access to a specific feature in a game. Special stores, items, or rewards for participating in the system should be balanced and not absolutely inaccessible to the majority of the community. |
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 783
Just thought of another amazing possible feature. In the library with the history books, have the NPC Server or a bot record the battles for control of a guild house, record and serve up access to videos of the battles in the publicly accessible guild house library. Would also be cool if they did this with sparring tournaments. |