Recently for some birthday items, a hat with bright flashing colours and an eyeball with bloody and flesh hanging off it (very detailed) was added. First of all, items with bright flashing colours are not allowed to be used on graal because they can cause seizures within players who have a medical history with epilepsy. This is potentially damgerous to the health of players and even though I have asked staff to remove the hat on forums, they gave careless replies such as "don't look at it then" or "turn off gifs in settings". This is very unprofessional from these staff members as it not only shows they don't care about the health and wellbeing of players, but their lack of self awareness of the legal ramifications that can arise from this issue.
As for the gory morph, alot of players have made public complaints on how it makes them feel sick and that they don't want to see such disturbing things while playing zone. Zone is a 12+ PG rated game but this horror piece is not PG and it is just a sore to look at.
Dear staff, please have a screening process and select items that are only appropriate for the game. As a former graphics team member of zone I am ashamed to see things like this happen on the server I loved.