Most media outlets you're getting this information from, I'm assuming, are US/UK based, countries which are both against Russia and are really close allies with each other. Don't just assume that Russia is bad; if America didn't cover up everything and do things in secrecy you'd see that they're both as corrupt as each other.
I think there have always been high tensions between the two countries, especially during the 20th century, they never had the same political ideologies as each other. Everything has recently turned to crap between them though because the US started getting involved in areas that were traditionally influenced by Russia and on top of that, America criticised Russia's invasions of other countries such as the Ukraine and Georgia - which is why you would've been seeing a ton of anti-Russia news recently.
America also doesn't like countries who have an opposing military to them, which is again why lots of media outlets are trying to push the whole idea of Russia being so evil to people.
Also, can we please have an informed discussion on here rather than s*** posts with no thought process behind them please?