In hindsight I should have just recorded this as a video, but you live and you learn. Plus taking photos made it easier to leave out the inevitable inappropriate jokes people made. These aren't all the photos and jokes, but it's a majority. Hope you enjoy!
Trying to get everyone in-line and quiet:
Answer: a SNOW NOOB
Answer: A Pan...duh
Answer: Graalculator
"A blonde swam halfway out and got tired, so she swam the fullway back"
"Two cannibals were eating a clown. One said to the other, 'This tastes funny...'"
Answer: In-case they get a hole in one.
Answer: Because then it will be a foot.
Answer: A private tutor.
Answer: because I'm so bright.
Answer: but European when you're in.
What do you call a gator in a vest?
Answer: an investiGATOR