the morph works properly, except there's a 'sword cannot be used...' message that displays when morphed. It's an old message, from the previous morph system, I imagine.
Ok well I can swing my sword while I'm morphed, but it tells me that I am not allowed to? It's not a very effective deterrent, if that is what the function is meant to be... seriously, though... I can slash and it tells me that I cannot, with all my morphs.
thanks... it's guild house... come by some time and check it all out
I noticed that the witch is still saying 'blue morpho' butterfly in her opening speech ([lalala i love making potions]... i need blue morpho butterflies today - [lalala]) and yet when you go to sell them to her she says just morpho. I know it's nitpicky, but this is the minor tweaks and updates section ;)
im a huge fan of graal classic i have 200+ i spend alot of time on i and i was recently banned for 2100 hours for hacking was the cause but i wasnt even hacking the stroys was i was farming at my guild house witch too me a long time to get and knowing i have a bad laptop i started warping for no reason in my guild house i was watching youtube videos so i thought maybe i shut a few tabs and restart google chrome so as i was about close google a screen poped up and said u are banned for 2100 hours and so all day i was trying to contact people that can unban me and i think the need to improve the banning system i would be so greatful it they did and i would like an unban for than this is unacceptable
I really have no idea where else to put this and don't want to make a new thread for it, but I think the seasonal leaderboards need reset sometime soon (assuming that this isn't done automatically)
I really have no idea where else to put this and don't want to make a new thread for it, but I think the seasonal leaderboards need reset sometime soon (assuming that this isn't done automatically)
Probably will be soon, took a couple days to reset last season
When selling "chainless flail" to the blacksmith in snowtown, in his response speech he says "agian" not "again". Just thought I would post it here as it is spelt wrong.