When someone who was quitting dropped his Habaner and Ambre in start area and I picked them up.
When I got my Ak47. (May 2011)
When I convinced my friends to play iEra.
When I got my first "rare" (Hacky)
When I bought my Pbp. I'm trying to keep my hours and kills at a specific ratio: 1000 kills/100 hours. Currently I'm at 12k/1k. Every friend made is one of these moments, as long as they don't stab me in the back.
When I had been trying to get bamboo for about 800 hours almost gave up, then I was near one of LAYERDS spots for hide and seek for a ec and I won it but It turned out it was for katana, hyrule, or bamboo so I got my bamboo in 30 seconds without realising