Nobody wants to stop at 100 hours, maybe when west first came out but now 100 hours is just a joke no point. Maybe if there was an award but 100 hours and an award also sounds crazy. Of course you can't avoid peacing, only good options are adding more base options like just going back to 5 or if you wanted to stop peacing just temporarily put one base and see how that goes...
They wouldn't just stop at 100hrs the point of the noobbase would be to get them started off(getting players in the same boat as them-As big guilds can't take base) They don't need a reward for 100hrs. It more promote helping small guilds and within that timeframe they get loyal players even if only a few it's definitely something to work with.. I remember on Classic being in guildspar place helping squads, I joined (fataalll)-or something like that at the time and actually suggested they did forts simply because they had few players there and they seemed loyal.. They ended up getting forts then eventually changed name to zZ FATAL Zz which became big, the point is if they even achieve a few loyal players -they'll most likely keep on game and be slightly easier for them.
Fewer bases encourages Big guilds simply to noobrecruit recycle-That is incredibly affective and would still defeat purpose they trying to solve.
More bases does give slightly better chance of new guilds getting base; although big guilds would just spread out and set homebases while peacing still.