Well, theres different types of shading. We've all discussed this in Creative Corner before. Theres dithering, theres blanket shading (the Voldemort of shading), theres plain out shading, and sooo many different types of shading.
This thread is to discuss the different types of shading YOU use, and how you do it.
For example, I just drew this ball in Gimp.
This looks like it was drawn on paper, am I right? Nope, Chuck Testa!
Jokes. As I said before, it was drawn on Gimp.
I simply used techniques I use on paper...
Draw an outline, find a light source, note the light source, and make the parts closest to the light source the lightest, and the farthest away the darkest.
So what do you guys think about shading on both computers and paper? What do you use and why? Why do you think it works or doesn't?