So this is kind of spur of the moment, and maybe I could make it funnier if I actually collected some emo heads in order to point out why they're so bad.
They look ******ed, seriously. It makes me feel like a bad person for pointing it out, but somebody has to do it. I guess at the end of the day you can have whatever head you want. But for the love of this blue marble we live on, I have a few questions:
Who made these? Stop
Why do people use them? Please don't
Where did they come from? Please go somewhere else.
What is the point? They look really cringy and bad.
How did this fad catch on? Stop it, ok.
Emo heads on Graal are probably the lamest thing I can think of. This is a Zelda clone, not a relationship simulator. I am here to have fun adventures and develop fun servers, and you guys have ruined it for everyone with an IQ over 100. Just stop. Go play something else, please. I'm sure there are plenty of anime dating sims on PS4 and Steam you would enjoy.