Heads up. The power of christ, the bible, the wooden cross, the holy water, the bells, those things dont work. Try a sulfuric acid with iron powder/ fillings and electrolytes, I guess salt would work as a last resort If you didnt have any electrolytes, mix that up, add 1/4 part zinc, dilute with 3 parts water(for visibility purposes but some dye in there too, any color.) and heat it up till it's almost boiling . Let cool and put a border of tape (masking tape) around the area you are conducting it in, and make sure it's sealed, then use a paint brush or something to paint over the tape, let the tape absorb it and dry (make sure the tape is evenly coated all the way around, the dye should make it easy to see where.)
If youve got a iron container, a thimble, any container made of iron, magnetize it and fill it with Rosemary, honeysuckle(dry and alot of it so the fire will light) and fragments of quartz (any old quartz crystals will do) and if available a pinch of magnesium powder or metal. Mix it in the iron container and drop a lit match in it (do this outside silly!)
If you do include the magnesium don't look directly at it when it's on fire. When it's cooled keep the iron container in your hands during your "investigation". Threaten to trap the spirit inside. Use a tape recorder and videocamcorder or videocamera to take video. It's best to use minimum smoke candles as the light, turn out the electrical lights. And never remove the tape until after the investagation and never remove it while while the iron container is open inside the tape borders.
And during the investigation. Never. Never, leave the tape borders. Trust me though, if your living in this house and havent hadand experiences yet, it's obviously not something very powerful. The precautions may not even be needed, but it let's them know they are with someone who knows what they are doing.