1.) I don't know what happened to Autofire it doesn't seem to kill in missions thou it kills me.
2.) Can we make the fishing like no delays? like continues fishing rode and by the way can we make the attack button as the thing that would make the moving thingy to catch fish?
Question : What is the best job?
Just started like got 30hours
last thing if in fishing say it got away is it considered catch in the 100 catch till borken?
1) dunna what auto fire is in missions, missions are boring. Waste of time. And pointless unless you want to grind like 80 zc a hour then be my guest.
2) i think fishing is good how it is, maybe make the delay a little less, otherwise it would be op and then any other job is useless.
3) as they made the gmap HUGE for its playerbase, scap metal is the best, jetpack or just walk around to find tons of metal and pick it up.