I didn't like it, but I'll wait for people to finish watching before I explain why in detail.
Feel like some people are gunna try this at home though...
A lot of it is flawed in my opinion, and I don't really find it accurate in displaying these issues, also Hannah herself seems like a villain in the series even though she is the suicide victim.
Well would they really want to make her look like a saint? The message they were trying to convey was how avoidable her suicide could have been and that suicide effects the people around you that you may not necessarily have known cared about you or you would have wanted to hurt. They aren't trying to glorify suicides which is why they actually showed her death and were so visceral in its depiction. You want to feel bad about her death but not to think it was everyone elses fault- I mean for one
Ultimately nobody is the blame for someone who suicides except for the person themselves. However you don't know how a person is really feeling/ who they are and your actions/ words can have consequence in driving them to think they have no other options/ actually think that by committing suicide they are actually helping those around them.
They show Hannah thinking that her committing suicide would help her parents as she felt she was a burden on them because of the financial troubles they were helping and that her death would ultimately help them. That's the mindset many people have when considering suicide which is why the show wanted to illustrate that, that action will have the opposite effect(showing the realistic reaction parents would have when Hannah's mum walked in on her death) even making others
I'm not a suicide professional but I can say that the film definitely does not glorify it, or try to make Hannah look like she was free of conviction. There was a beyond the 13 reasons director episode they aired where they talked about all those issues, specifically and how they made a conscious effect not to make suicide look like a release which is why they went with what they did (how Hannah died) and showed it in its full effect with her visibly suffering rather than a 1 and done kind of death.