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Join Date: Feb 2013
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https://res.cloudinary.com/pvplive/image/upload/article_headers/Gaming-20160927-Battlerite.jpg (Unsupported image host) Battlerite is currently free for the weekend and on sale for 33% off (15 bucks is the normal price). http://store.steampowered.com/app/504370/Battlerite/ I never really dabbled in MOBA games like LoL and DOTA but this game is actually pretty fun. Might actually buy it if I really like it. Seeing a paid for MOBA game is honestly pretty weird considering LoL and DOTA are F2P. There are loot chests that unlock cosmetics but nothing that ****s with the balance of the game. Speaking of which, the characters seem pretty balanced for the most part, I've mainly been using Jade but everyone seems to be able to hold their own. Update Game is now officially released and F2P!
Last edited by 5hift; 11-09-2017 at 04:57 AM.