Yea you guys are right. I knew thats what RAM did I just didn't expect that as I was using only a few windows it was enough to be using 5GB of my memory. Apparently I have a ton of background things running that I didn't even know were opened.
I mean chrome and photoshop which is all I have opened and are the top two programs currently using the most only accounts for 800mb total of memory.
Even accounting for the other programs my task manager says its running the total doesn't seem like it would equate to 5GB, maybe 3GB at the most
My next question is whether there is some kind of way to close all the unnecessary background programs that are running with no purpose to free up my ram without individually ending them on task manager. (or is the answer simple again like restarting your computer)
Seems kind of stupid if I can't to be limited to only 10 or so/ the 16gb I bought. Had I only gone with 8GB of RAM I may aswell have been better off with my old computer
what kind of OS ? i guess its windows 10 ? if you want a smaller ram usage, use LINUX,
but well, since youre using windows rn, try to stop some startup services, go and get some uttility software that can easily clean your PCs for you, like ccleaner, glary, 365 or advanced systemcare.
or go get bitsum lasso, if youre into gaming and want to stop most of these peasants background apps and services while youre gaming so you got no lag.
However, most of the background processes and services have their own function. and force closing some of them might lead to a system reboot, but you will be fine as long you don't touch anything starts with 'windows' or 'microsoft' thought.