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Jamie <3
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 21
*Announcement* - Angel (XOXO) Scammed Me
Okay, to start this off, the purpose of this thread isn't for me to moan and cry after getting scammed. I'm very aware of the legality of scamming. The purpose of this thread is to spread the word and warn everyone to no longer trade at Angel's house, if they wish to have safe trades. Now i'm going to do my best to explain what exactly happend. So I was going to buy a panda hammer off EVIL (Tots). I was going to buy his panda hammer for pink umbrella + graalians hammer. If you know the layout of Angel's house this will hopefully make more sense to you, so this guy was on the left side of the cage and I was on the right side. Both of us dropped our items as agreed and went into the middle cages and Angel then closed the cages as normal. Then he *conveniently* had to go AFK at this exact moment. Few seconds later a random person which I assume to be Angel's alternative account or whatever came at the right hand side and took my pink umbrella and graalians hammer. Whether this was Angel's alt or EVIL's alt (by the way, I do believe they were both in on it together) no one apart from the two parties trading should be present in the house. It is very unprofessional of Angel even if he does try to play the 'it was a random hacker' card. Anyway, EVIL was PMing me saying 'it wasn't Angel' 'it was all me' etc. Which encourages me to believe he was just covering Angel and taking the blame as this guy has nothing to lose, where as Angel had a reputation, this is assuming they were in on it together, which to anyone with half a brain cell, would appear to be the most likely explanation. If there are parts of this that aren't quite clear, please do tell me, because this has been quite rushed. Anyway, a lot of you may be shocked by this. I suppose I was at first because I've traded at his house several times for super rares with loads of people; Joren, Bruc, Prime Mech, just to name a few. However I suppose everyone has a price, and he has done it in a way where he can cover for himself. I have to say to be fair I don't have 100% evident proof, but I certainly wouldn't make this up as I had a lot of trust and respect for Angel until today. He may go on to host trades and not scam but you need to beware certainly because he does have a price, particularly if you're looking to trade with high value / multiple super rares. Anyway, this is just a warning to everyone. TLDR: In short, Angel (XOXO) scammed my pink umbrella + graalians hammer Update: Okay, so it looks like I'm not the only person Angel has scammed. It looks like he has used the exact same way to scam on this guy: http://i50.tinypic.com/14lsoz6.png (Unsupported image host) I was speaking to this chap, and he told me that he was suppose to be buying panda hammer off this person, the same person I was suppose to be buying panda hammer off. It would appear Angel and friend(s) used the exact same technique to scam this chap, as they did to me. It's a very clever scam but I think the fact he's done the exact same thing twice in one day is very foolish of him. I hope this has convinced those of you were nieve before in a false sense of security that Angel is infact not to be trusted. However if after all this, you are stupid enough to trust him and get scammed, then I have sympathy for you whatsoever. I've done my best here on this thread to warn people. It's up to you now to make the right decisions. And a reminder to not deal with the two following people either: Traph* (Tots) EVIL (Tots) These are the two people with the panda hammer who are doing this scam with Angel. TLDR: Angel scammed this guy too + stay away from Traph* and EVIL (Both in Tots) http://i48.tinypic.com/sct0zb.jpg (Unsupported image host)
Last edited by Jamie; 02-04-2013 at 10:03 PM.
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Resigned iEra PR
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: London, United Kingdom
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Alright let's clear some things up; - Engel= scarecrow custom, super legit (know from experience). - Angel (XOXO) = the person who 'Jamie' is taking about. Was previous owner of XOXO, idk if he's legit considering I've heard both good and bad about him - Angel (Famous) - Female (from what she states xD), Ex-Admin on Era, the one which always says 'moo moo!', has been strongly ACCUSED with APPARENT proof of scamming Treaks 2nd account which had a katana. Now that all the people are cleared, let's get back on topic. Yah man, honestly, it sucks if this is what happened. Its very common for people to host legit traded and build up their repuatation until that one moment where they pull of a mega scam (not everyone does this, eg, Jeni). Trading is just an overall problem on Era considering you can't really trust anybody yet we all get that greed of wanting an item which leads to us going into a trade putting our items at a huge risk. Typical been there done that. Can't really give you any advise since the best would be to trade at a legit persons house which hasn't worked with you... But thanks for the warning anyways. Maybe you took some pictures for proof that this happened?
Last edited by RedBoy786*; 02-03-2013 at 10:42 PM.
Reason: Added details. Credits go to Sam lol