Interested on knowing how to earn two thousand gralats in half an hour? Well you should read this guide for easy money making. Others can't earn like this, they don't know how to. This is 99% possible, tested by me.
Difficulty: Medium
Items Needed: Trash Pick and Mushroom Knife
Tips: You should concentrate, prevent distractions
You only need to walk through those lines shown in the map. Set Trash Pick on slot 1 and Mushroom Knife at slot 2. Remember to equip your Trash Pick every time, only equip Mushroom Knife when you gonna get the mushrooms already then back to Trash Pick after. Always get those trashes and mushrooms near you.
Before starting, look at your clock and write the time somewhere. Start the challenge at the Southridge bridge, the arrow on the picture. All you need to do is go around the island and get the mushrooms and trashes. After you already turned around the island, stop at the arrow and check how many items you already got, do it again and again till a item is already 40x. Look at your gralats first then run to the Recycle Shop in Southridge, sell all items you got. After you sold all your trash items, run to the Mushroom Shop and sell all mushrooms you got. Calculate all gralats added to your account and look how many minutes lapsed.
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