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Showing results 1 to 25 of 500
Search : Posts Made By : Nabu Lapse
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 05-26-2016
Replies: 21
Views: 2,776
Posted By Nabu Lapse

Forum: Off-Topic Chat 05-24-2016
Replies: 93
Views: 6,734
Posted By Nabu Lapse
this People don't realize that the president...


People don't realize that the president really doesn't have that much power, there are certainly limits to what they can do. So yeah, we'd look like fools for electing Trump, but it's not...
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 05-24-2016
Replies: 93
Views: 6,734
Posted By Nabu Lapse
still better than Hilary

still better than Hilary
Forum: Entertainment 05-24-2016
Replies: 2,552
Views: 1,196,752
Posted By Nabu Lapse Might be a bit out...
Might be a bit out there for some of you guys, still doesn't change the fact that it has the coolest flute solo of all time from Ian Anderson.

My apologies for having...
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 05-24-2016
Replies: 757
Views: 116,145
Posted By Nabu Lapse
21685 Been a while since I've posted on this...

Been a while since I've posted on this thread. I'll update you again at the end of summer after my mane has reached maximum curliness.
Forum: General Graal Discussion 05-09-2016
Replies: 34
Views: 5,957
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Yeah honestly, if there's any server he's going...

Yeah honestly, if there's any server he's going to want to see, it's Classic.
Forum: GraalOnline Era 04-01-2016
Replies: 46
Views: 15,559
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Fun fact, iEra is actually one of the few iPhone...

Fun fact, iEra is actually one of the few iPhone servers that doesn't have its own forum.
Forum: Video Games 02-08-2016
Replies: 226
Views: 43,621
Posted By Nabu Lapse
what's poppin' fellas

what's poppin' fellas
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 01-28-2016
Replies: 40
Views: 5,694
Posted By Nabu Lapse
What grade are you in? Sounds like you're just...

What grade are you in? Sounds like you're just dealing with a bunch of immature middle-schoolers.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 01-24-2016
Replies: 3,061
Views: 713,675
Posted By Nabu Lapse
RIP Victory

RIP Victory
Forum: GraalOnline Classic 01-14-2016
Replies: 186
Views: 21,873
Posted By Nabu Lapse
inb4 the "this isn't real life" speech

inb4 the "this isn't real life" speech
Forum: General Graal Discussion 12-15-2015
Replies: 4,142
Views: 23,420,104
Posted By Nabu Lapse
20256 That's Arabic. Graal doesn't allow...


That's Arabic. Graal doesn't allow them to type in their language, so for whatever reason their series of numbers and letters works for them.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 11-29-2015
Replies: 108
Views: 13,073
Posted By Nabu Lapse
All your definitions of sexism say that it is...

All your definitions of sexism say that it is defined as having an "attitude or behavior". You're dumb because all Simons did was make an educated guess it's not like he's was saying "wow a girl that...
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 11-18-2015
Replies: 40
Views: 4,073
Posted By Nabu Lapse
The fact that I know his entire Graal life story...

The fact that I know his entire Graal life story from how many times he's reiterated it is just sad.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 11-18-2015
Replies: 40
Views: 4,073
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Tourettes doesn't even affect the way someone...

Tourettes doesn't even affect the way someone types on the internet. As well as this, it is extremely uncommon for Tourettes to cause someone to cuss in the first place. Nice try though big man.
Forum: Entertainment 11-17-2015
Replies: 8
Views: 1,916
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Yeah, Skyfall was so much better. I honestly...

Yeah, Skyfall was so much better. I honestly hated this movie because felt like a stupid way to tie everything together.
Forum: Video Games 11-17-2015
Replies: 226
Views: 43,621
Posted By Nabu Lapse
I was just thinking about this game a couple days...

I was just thinking about this game a couple days ago. Glad to see you're still maintaining steady progress.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 11-17-2015
Replies: 147
Views: 21,610
Posted By Nabu Lapse
how about we all just agree to never drag...

how about we all just agree to never drag politics and religion to this forum, it never goes well
Forum: Video Games 11-13-2015
Replies: 41
Views: 11,462
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Forge should be out in a little over a month....

Forge should be out in a little over a month. According to 343, this will be the largest forge mode in Halo's history. It will have the largest forge specific maps as well as 1,600 unique items (not...
Forum: General Graal Discussion 10-06-2015
Replies: 13
Views: 2,693
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Well that opinion got brutalized pretty quickly. ...

Well that opinion got brutalized pretty quickly.

I had never been to the support page, I didn't realize that it was it's own separate website. I assumed that it was some weird page accessible via...
Forum: General Graal Discussion 10-06-2015
Replies: 13
Views: 2,693
Posted By Nabu Lapse
Still laughing at the fact that someone thought...

Still laughing at the fact that someone thought it was a brilliant idea to have to make an account to access a game's customer service.
Forum: GraalOnline Era 10-04-2015
Replies: 9
Views: 5,866
Posted By Nabu Lapse

Forum: General Graal Discussion 09-24-2015
Replies: 68
Views: 13,245
Posted By Nabu Lapse
I'm meeting up with one of my graal friends this...

I'm meeting up with one of my graal friends this coming Christmas break. There have also been multiple occasions where I've just been a short drive away from seeing some of my closest friends.
Forum: Off-Topic Chat 09-22-2015
Replies: 71
Views: 8,758
Posted By Nabu Lapse
You act as if zoo animals make up the larger...

You act as if zoo animals make up the larger population of whatever species you're referring to. In reality, zoo animals would die and within months of no human interaction on earth, it would most...
Forum: Video Games 09-22-2015
Replies: 86
Views: 12,300
Posted By Nabu Lapse
The Taken King is serving as a mighty distraction...

The Taken King is serving as a mighty distraction from me playing Metal Gear, but I'm about 40% in and this is easily one of the coolest games I've ever played.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500


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